Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dynacraft Sdn Bhd


Dynacraft Industries was originally set up in 1974 as a subsidiary of an USA, based multinational company, providing semiconductor lead frame and semiconductor materials support to IC assembly plants in the Pacific region. In January 1996, Dynacraft Industries was acquired by Malaysia Pacific Industries and became part of the Hong Leong Group of companies in Malaysia.

Being one of the largest manufacturers of a wide range of semiconductor lead frames, Dynacraft Industries leads the industry in the design, manufacture and supply of microelectronics packaging solutions to the semiconductor assembly industry. Adopting technology-driven design and manufacturing processes, Dynacraft Industries is confidently poised to provide our valued customers with state of the art products at competitive prices and services.

Key policies

  • Quality – committed to comply with our Quality Management System and any applicable requirement in order to uphold the following principles through teamwork:
    • To meet or exceed our customers’ requirement and expectations
    • To continually improve our processes, services and systems.
    • To gauge our performance by constantly monitoring our quality indicator.
  • Environmental – committed to good and responsible work practices in our processes that will help to preserve our environment from pollution through:

§ Conserving resources within and outside our premises.

§ Acts to comply with all legal and replacing legislations and other requirement that we subscribe to.

§ Reducing, reusing, recycling and replacing consumables used in our manufacturing processes.

§ Employing continual improvement philosophy to meet our environmental objectives and targets.

  • T.P.M – Dynacraft Industries is committed to TPM as an approach to achieve our vision. This will be accomplished through continual improvement that encompasses the participation by all employees to :

§ Encourage equipment ownership through teams

§ Optimize asset utilization

§ Enhance employee safety and job satisfaction

§ Improve product quality, cost and delivery

§ Work towards zero defect

  • Customer service – committed to proactively:

§ Create positive impression

§ Understand customers’ needs

§ Deliver value

§ Make it easy to do business with us


1) Quality control - Dynacraft manufactures lead frames that conform to the standards of JEDEC and EIAJ package outlines such as MQFP, PLCC, SOIC, MDIP, TQFP, TSSOP, TSOP, SSOP, SOT, MLP (QFN) and CERDIP. We use Statistical Process Control (SPC) to monitor manufacturing operations. These SPC tools are continually maintained and updated by Statistical Engineers in ensuring consistent quality through the organization.

2) Design Engineering - Our CAD/CAM network transmits design data to anywhere in the world, connecting:

  • Our valuable customers to Dynacraft design centers, manufacturing sites and sales team Dynacraft to the supplier / business partner.
  • Dynacraft's experienced engineering team:

§ Take hands on approach to customer service and support.

§ They analyze objective through open communications.

§ They seek and identify potential need.

§ They form a company-customer team to design the process for individualized packing solutions for clear and continuous feedback.

3) Manufacturing - Dynacraft holds various patents for process design. Our multinational manufacturing is based in Penang, Malaysia. We build partnerships with training institutions to upgrade the knowledge of employees on an on-going basis to keep our processes at the peak of performance. Every aspect of our manufacturing is reviewed continuously. We are ISO / TS 16949 certified, affirming our commitment to manufacturing and service excellence.

4) Tooling - Dynacraft lead frame stamping are fabricated with full-carbide cutting components. To minimize the cost of tooling additional pad sizes, many of our tools are built in modular format. Options for grounding, down bonding and thermal improvement can be added easily. One of our core competencies is customized tool building. In the direction of provide high volume output, tight dimensional tolerances, and consistent accuracy and precision, the tool of design must emphasize high speed and multiple formats. Also our component clearances are minimized for optimum cutting definition. Our CAD generates electronic instructions to profile grinding, jig boring and wire EDM machines for accuracy automated component fabrication.

5) Stamping - Operations for precision stamping of lead frames for ceramic and plastic packages are located in Penang, Malaysia locations. Exclusive use of Bruderer punch presses in continuous 24-hour operation ensures optimum manufacturing and product quality at high speeds. The stamp a large range of products from alloy 42 to copper alloys, discrete to high pin count QFPs and CERDIP frames. To meet the challenges of higher pin counts and more complex matrix designs the factory enhances the average press tonnage.

6) Etching - Dynacraft's Penang plant uses the highest technology artwork and semiconductor grade plates (mask) to ensure high precision, accuracy and repeatability products. Besides, our expose machine is also fully automated and self alignment for top and bottom mask. The state of art reel to reel process minimizes handling problem and enhance productivity.

7) Plating and Finishing - Our standard plating process is silver in spots, rings, or dots. They are the leader in nickel-palladium pre-plated lead frame to save our customers cycle time, floor space, and added costs. In our plant, the factory uses both the reel-to-reel method, for quick turns at maximum volume and maximum speed, and the strip-to-strip method, for quick turnaround, and small lots. They are able of plating the highest pin counts on the market. Our tolerances are measured in millionths of an inch. Statistical Process Control (SPC) ensures the ultimate in conformance and repeatability


At a practical level, the two most obvious reasons for accountants to be involved in environmental. Firstly, environmental issues are business issues. This article shows clearly that environmental issues, in terms of legislation and market changes, have implications for business in those areas which directly concern accountants of all shapes and sizes. From straightforward cost and profit and loss issues, to competitive advantage and cost efficiency to the more complex issues in assets values, contingent liabilities and environmental risk. Most accountants will have a role to play.

Secondly, environmental issues have considerable implications for ‘audit’ in all its guises. In addition to the environmental implications for the statutory audit there are the growing demands of ‘environmental audit’ over which there is much confusion. Environmental audits are put firmly in their place within a context of environmental management.

As a conclusion, accountants are not seen as a major source of innovation in the organization generally and in organizational response to the environment in particular. Certainly, whilst accountants do see themselves as potentially innovative, it is an innovation constrained within the existing financial information system. That there has been little seriously innovative environmental accounting to date is consistent with this. This will, however, have to change but in the short to medium term it seems most likely that the environmental initiative will tend to come from elsewhere in the organization.


Environmental response is the type of issue that must not be quickly delegated to some remote, nonessential part of the organization and forgotten about. It must be central to the organizations whole programmed. The environmental crisis itself arises out of the basic failure of organizational structures, business ethics, economic frameworks and accounting systems to recognize ‘natural’. All life obviously derives from and is part of the ‘natural environment’, but until environment is certainly enmeshed with the organization, Western industrial systems will continue to treat it as though it were something which is irrelevant at best and distinct from life at worst and thereby destroy it. Just as health, safety and respect for one’s employees have become accepted even essential perquisites for responsible organizations, so too must environmental concern be considered an essential element of responsible management.

There can be no single, ideal way in which any organization can begin the process of developing its organizational sensitivity. Each may choose a different route some starting with an environmental policy, some with an environmental audit and others with environmental reporting.


To fulfill the green accounting system in the organization, the organization must have their own an environmental policy. Environmental policy is going to be the principal signal to the internal and external stakeholders of the seriousness of the organization’s intentions with respect to the environment. There are two main routes when we’re decided to develop an environmental policy, first is development of an organization-specific and the adoption of one of the publicly established ‘charters’.

The main purpose in adopting an environmental policy is as a guide to future action. It therefore needs to be informed by reliable data on the organization’s environmental interactions and consists of commitments which are as specific as possible and be supported by as many mechanisms for turning the policy into specific targets as can be established.

Moreover an environmental charter is a public document with a number of primary purposes. It consists of a number of guiding principles covering area of corporate planning, activity and control where environmental aspects should be incorporated. It closely related with management accounting and control system that we can put it together in order to implement the green accounting system in the organization. In order to implement it in the organization, they must have their own charter so that any activities in regards of corporate social responsibility will be control and not beyond of their indicator that stated in the charter.

The organization should take into considerations the adopting of The Valdev Principles while the green accounting system is in place. The principles are consists of, protection of biosphere, sustainable use of natural resources, reduction and disposal of waste, wise use of energy, risk reduction, marketing of safe products and services, damage compensation, disclosure, environmental directors and managers and assessment and annual audit. All these principles are the most important to developing an environmental policy so that it will comply with law and regulations that may have in order to oblige to the society.

Once the organization has developed their environmental policy, the implementation and monitoring are really important steps sequentially to ensure the policy is enforced and successful. To implementing the policy, the organization should take these as their guidance to develop it. It consists of; prioritize the goals of the policy and the goals of the organization in terms of the policy. Identify interactions throughout the organization and decide how to harmonize them. Turn the goals into specific targets. Give the targets completion dates. Assign responsibility, monitor performance and feedback and reward. In monitoring systems which is including audit and review, the organizations should performed against legal standards, consent levels, forthcoming law, organizational ethical policy, environmental policies and all areas of environmental policy. Besides, they should think of the analysis of employee suggestion boxes. Review of regular organizational data on wastes, emissions, leaks and accidents.


This paper discusses on the issues of energy and its relationship to the environment, and ultimately its links to performance measurement and management in accounting. The discussion of the paper takes its direction towards the accord that had been acknowledged that being environmentally sensitive that can generate financial benefits. The author of the paper then discusses on the need to emphasize on good management practices in order to minimize waste of all kinds and ultimately, that action could lead to minimum energy cost options.

In general, the environmental issues associated with energy are complex and critical. The main issues are in relation to the use and consumption of non renewable sources. The author then extends his argument in saying that extraction not only depletes scarce resources and disrupts ecosystems but itself uses energy in the process. The phenomena of these processes and consumption depletion of the non renewable energies are severe in European countries as compared to other non European countries. For instance, the per capita consumption of energy in the developed countries is approximately seven times higher than in the lesser developed countries. The paradox of the whole scenario is that the majority of the energy utilized in these developed countries is wasted.

As the weather changes, so does the perception by businesses in order to take into consideration the above issues and translate them into meaningful interpretation of the business and accounting purposes. In the UK for instance, at the industry and company levels there is an increasing amount of leadership and concern into energy efficiency. In addition, companies that learned from the 1970s energy crisis have continued to install, develop and refine their energy-efficiency projects. In short, these initiatives had been translated into bottom line results of cost efficiency and performance measurement and management of these corporations.

The author also highlights the examples of companies that have made significant savings by employing energy saving initiatives that include companies such as Sainsbury’s and British Gas from the UK. These companies have introduced systematic approach to energy efficiency program in order to achieve a better overall performance measurement and management system. Despite these existing programs, there is less evidence on the types of control that have been applied in the field of transport. Given the enormous effort and publicity which is pouring into energy savings in the 1990s, the absence of much sensible discussion of transport seems odd and very short-sighted. Consequently, further analysis and discussions should be focusing on this issue and how these problems at hand could be resolved or handled amicably.

A natural progression in measuring the entire process is to allow the accountants to contribute to the developing environmental sensitivity of organizations in accounting for energy. There are no hard and fast rules for accounting for energy, but the article has outline that there are at least ten initial steps in accounting for energy costs. These steps, along with solid mechanisms for ensuring that energy costs are actively controlled, they could bind the entire process of accounting for energy to performance measurement and management system of the organization into a more meaningful subject that could lead to sustainable effort into the unforeseeable future.


The management and control of waste from one of the two main areas in which environmental and financial/ economic consideration are often seen to be similar. For this reason, it is one of the major taken. The financial benefits to be derived from an at least ‘light green’ management of waste ca be immediate and obvious, which makes it an aspect of organization/ environment interaction which accountants can play and are playing a considerable role.

The concept of ‘waste’ has two, very distinct dimension. We can think of these as ‘wastefulness’ and ‘pollution’. The human/ economic dimension relates to using more than we need the by products of production, by products in use, the disposal of the by products and what to do with the products when humans have stopped using them. The conservation dimension relates to the effect of this process on the capacity of the biosphere to continue functioning.

In a literal sense, the management of waste, packaging and recycling should automatically follow from good environmental management linked with an active and reasonable approach to the management of the business. However, experience suggests that careful management of waste does not follow so naturally and certainly the speed of change in the regulation and the economics of waste, packaging and recycling means that no organization can afford to ignore it.


The supply and purchase of funds are influenced by the developing environmental agenda. The implications for companies and other organizations are considerable. There are not only problems of (inter alia) an increasingly restrictive short-termism and difficulties in attracting funds for environmental initiatives but such funds as can be attracted are more and more likely to have demanding environmental conditions attached.

In addition to meet increasing environmental standard and struggling to persuade financiers are being faced with two further. First, there is the purely commercial pressure from banks and insurers concerned about their own exposures. Second, there is a growing among investors of the importance of ethical and environmental matters. It is a development led by the major green investment funds. The whole pattern of funding to and from enterprise is the process of changing.

The serious difficulties a number of established businesses were having in persuading banks to grant loan finance. It is due not to doubts about the core business or normal business exposure risk but to environmental considerations. The problems from banks’ point of view have three elements. First of all, the bank is lending to find itself involved in serious environmental problems which will increase its costs and make its servicing of the loan problematic. Second, the possibilities of environmental liabilities attaching to that property if the business goes into liquidation. Third, ‘polluter pays’ principle require the bank to take part in any business clean-up costs even the businesses are nit in liquidation.

As a form of risk, environmentally related liabilities are extremely far-reaching, potentially very expensive and largely unpredictable. But companies and banks turning to their insurance companies are facing problems. The major problems seem to centre around the insurers’ unwillingness or inability to cover all possible risks. The developed economies are already facing situations in the environmental and profit criteria appear to be in conflict. Environmental management requires a proactive and creative approach to investment. This is possible only when the providers of the fund are willing to recognize other, non-financial criteria, loan, or whatever.

The ethical/environmental funds operate both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ criteria in selecting companies in which to invest. The negative criteria are easier to operate and involved avoiding companies active in certain sectors or involved with countries, incidents or activities selected by either the investor or the fund managers as inappropriate. Positive criteria raise more difficult problems, not least because information is difficult to obtain.

In conclusion, the providers of funds exercise a critical amount of power over organization. Whilst much of this can be restrictive upon any management attempting to develop an organization’s environmental sensitivity. It beyond the lightest tinge of green, there are signs of environmentally positive actions flowing both from the self-interest of banks and insurance companies and from the rather more altruistic motivations of the ethical and environmental investor.


From this article, in particular, we focus upon sustainability as the key concept guiding mankind’s future interactions with the environment. The pursuit of sustainability represents an awesome challenge to humanity. Whilst the basic idea of sustainability is self-evidently good sense and one with which few would wish to disagree, identifying and assessing the detail of the concept has proved immensely difficult.

Ultimately, reporting for sustainability must consist of statements about the extent to which corporations are reducing or increasing the option available to future generations. This is a profoundly complex, if not impossible. However, there do appear to be three major ways in which any organization could try to approximate this in a fairly practicable and systematic way which would potentially lend itself to reporting. These are inventory approach, sustainable cost approach and resource flow through input-output approach.

The essence of environment accountability and transparency is that environment matters are too complex and crucial to be left entirely in the already overburdened hand of corporations. Furthermore, it seems difficult to deny that those who are affected by the environmental actions of business have a right to information about those actions whether one is thinking in terms of democratic right or concerned to help market function after all, neither democracy nor markets can function usefully without information.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Case Studies of Green Accounting System

Case Study 1) Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation

The business organization of Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation (ECIC) started its operations in 1972 in Taiwan. By 1989, it had grown to a phenomenal size that it was able to be floated on the stock exchange to the value of NT 500 Million.

Throughout it existence Everlight has been engaged in fine chemical production, and at the same time, has been facilitating the national economy and social welfare through international cooperation and worldwide marketing. In essence, Everlight contributes to global harmony and the quality of life.

Despite its intended cause, the industry in general has been receiving appalling image due to the byproducts from chemical wastes that had contributed to global warming, pollution and other negative effects.

With the initiative that was commissioned by the United Nations in 1987 under the umbrella of ‘sustainable development’, ECIC had initiated its own program of ‘green accounting’ in hope that it would be able to accurately evaluate an eco-friendly and resource productivity by means of the introduced system and to provide reliable information for setting business strategies. The main purpose was to modify the system by including the environmental expenditure categories suggested by Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, such as wastewater, emission, waste, toxic materials and others.

At the outset, the initiative did not provide any significant improvement to the existing set-up than the previous system. But, with the modifications that had been undertaken once in 1999, and again in 2002, that had included six categories that had been applied in the new green accounting system such as upper/lower stream cost, management activity cost, business area cost, research and development costs, social activity costs, and environmental damage costs, the improvements were very significant that included both to the environment and the bottom line results to ECIC itself.

Case Study 2) Green Accounting

Green accounting incorporates environmental assets and their sources and sink functions into national and corporate accounts. It is the popular term for environmental and natural resource accounting. Corporate environmental accounts have not yet found large application; proposed concepts and methods are similar to those of national green accounting. The approach incorporating nature’s asset will be use System for integrated Environment and Economic Accounting (SEEA). SEEA introduces nature’s environmental and economic assets and the ‘environmental cost’ of their degradation and depletion into the System of National Accounts (SNA). The measure of asset accounts the value of opening and closing stocks of economic and environmental assets, and their changes during an accounting period.

Under aggregation and valuation, the SEEA uses both monetary values and physical weights to this end. In the case study applied market valuation mostly to natural resource depletion, environmentalists criticize use the market values for ‘pricing the priceless’ categories of nature. In the absence of market prices for non-produced natural assets, natural resource rents earned by selling resource outputs in markets are used for estimating the net present value and value changes of an asset.

In accounting indicator and sustainability, the popular 'green GDP' accounts only for natural capital consumption, ignoring the depreciation of produced ('fixed') capital. Subtracting both natural and produced capital consumption from capital formation obtains Environmentally-adjusted net Capital Formation (ECF). Meanwhile, the material flow accounts cater to a different sustainability concept. They assess material throughput as an environmental impact or pressure indicator. At the macro-level the increase of productive wealth is the key determinant of the economic growth potential of an economy. A particular strength of green accounting is the measurement of environmental cost caused by economic agents of households and enterprises.

Case Study 3) Starbucks Coffee in Taiwan

Starbucks Coffee in China hopes for great growth, keeping the company's ethical and corporate visions aligned. The vice president, Greater China for Starbucks, Dr. Eden Woon, navigating through China's growing economic opportunities.

He is responsible for Government Affairs, Public Relations, and Corporate Social Responsibility. He spends quite a bit of time on government relations. And he also try to make sure that their voice is heard in the media on a range of issues that relate to Starbucks in China. CSR in China helps to oversee the national CSR China Education programs and also working with their stores on local CSR programs in the communities. They call their employees “partners”, who are very enthusiastic about CSR work in their neighborhood. He also has a great team in CSR and locally who are truly dedicated to CSR in their heart.

For the store partners, they undergo several weeks of extensive training as well as apprenticeship on the job and understand the core values of Starbucks. The purpose is to understand the company, so they can delivery “legendary Starbucks service” with a passion and dedication to each other, customers, and to the community. For those do not work in stores, they will try to get as many possible to work in a store for a few days to get a flavor of the store life. They have cultural immersion in Seattle for management team to gain insight of Starbucks’ history and the values they represent. In addition, the coffee master program is designed for partners to gain sufficient coffee knowledge.

They have six CSR specialists representing different markets which include South China, North China, Southwest China, East China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. They actively identify store partner volunteer programs that would make a difference in the community and help bring diverse local social needs to the attention of the Greater China office. Starbucks maintains a good relationship with local communities and local governments.

Passion and integrity are the most important qualities for a person. He believes that Skill and knowledge can always be acquired through training if the person has a great heart and the passion towards what they are doing. His advised to other foreign or domestic retailers and franchisers who are looking to enter the China market to be always flexible and adapt to special Chinese environment. But too much flexibility at the risk of losing core attention will lead to failure.

CSR in Starbucks is everywhere. They have a US$5 million China Education fund to help unprivileged children in obtaining basic education. So far 1.5mil US dollars have been committed to the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation for rural teachers training and scholarship and for poor students enrolled in Teachers’ universities. They also committed US$600,000 to China Women’s Federation for water education for women living in drought stricken parts of China on Global Water day this year.

Case Study 4) Environmental Accounting in Korea

Environmental issues were first added to the Government’s political, economic and social agenda in the 1980s when increasing concern were expressed over failing environmental trends under rapid economic growth. The original Environmental Preservation Act was replaced with more specific environment legislation relating to environmental policy, air quality preservation, water environment preservation, noise and vibration control, dangerous chemicals controls, environmental pollution damage dispute, solid waste management and marine environment. Under the environmentally sound and sustainable development strategy (ESSD), the main concepts include proper valuation of the environment, extension of the time horizon of development to include long-term benefits and costs, and equity concerns.

The framework of KORSEEA was designed to assess these functions, especially when new scarcities of natural resources may threaten sustained economic productivity and degradation of environmental quality may impair the waste combination capacity of environmental sinks. KORSEEA reflects the accounting structure of the SEEA and is tailored to the environmental concerns and data availability in Korea. KORSEEA is derived by adding to the Supply and Use Table (SUT) and produced assets accounts of the central System of National Accounts (SNA). Asset accounts for non-produced “economic” and “environmental” assets are compiled both in physical and monetary terms. Non-produced economic assets include nonrenewable natural resources, such as land and minerals, and renewable resource such as forest and fish. Asset accounts for environmental assets record only the cost of discharge of residuals into the different environmental media of land, air and water.

An estimation result for the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA) in Korea followed the basic framework and was based on data availability given in the previous sections. The estimates here do not reflect the exact EDP (environmentally adjusted net domestic products) or EVA (environmentally adjusted net value added) of Korea due to a lack of consistency in the estimates stemming from data availability and the limitation of accounted environmental assets covered.

The present study implemented a system of integrated environmental and economic accounting for Korea (KORSEEA) with existing statistics. The compilation of the accounts served the purposes of training national staff, identifying data sources and gaps, and presenting first results and analyses of the environmentally modified national accounts. Filling the data gapes and establishing coordination data producers would be facilitated by the permanent institutionalization of environmental accounting in Korea.

As a conclusion, this study has some limitations. Firstly, this case study covers only degradation of natural environment caused by agricultural activities and does not take into account quantitative depletion of natural assets, which may be the future topic in this field. Secondly, multi- functional (positive) effects of agriculture, such as flood control and amenity, are not considered in the environmental effects of agriculture because these effects are usually valued at non-market prices which are not consistent with the market price valuation.

Case Study 5) Delta Electronics in Taiwan

uA new catchphrase is reverberating within Taiwan's business community--corporate social responsibility (CSR). Corporations around the world are realizing they have a responsibility to be good citizens, and Taiwan companies are taking heed. In addition to making profits, corporations must bear a responsibility to society. In 2002 the Taiwan government began promoting CSR to educate Taiwan businesses. In its push to become a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the government translated the OECD Guidelines on Multinationals into Chinese.

For Delta Electronics, Inc., environmental protection is an integral part of its corporate culture. The world's number one producer of switching power supplies, Delta instituted lead-free manufacturing in 2000. It was a case of doing well by doing well. A CSR committee was formed by top management, including the chairman, the CEO, and the COO of the company.

The motivation for a CSR program can come from within the company or from outside. Top managers may opt to dedicate the company to a particular issue because of a personal interest. Delta's chairman and founder, Bruce Cheng, was enthusiastic about initiating a CSR program since he has long favored energy-saving and environmentally-friendly technologies.

In conclusion, CSR is rapidly permeating global business. There are many Taiwan companies that manufacture products sold by Major European, US and Japanese brands. The major brands are held to account by the media, stockholders and customers, and theresponsibility flows downstream.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our Progression

1 march 2008- we have discussed about our progressions of the project. We have collected the literature review that we assigned to each our members to do a summarization. About the new announcement from the coach, we have do some actions on it so that our project will have all the elements that required from her. From our observation, we had identified some problems that may have on the organization that we had selected. It is more about the green accounting system in terms of lack of human resources and financial resources. finally, our discussion finished with new task in order to accomplish our project paper that may due on 11 march 2008.

5 March 2008- Our discussion is more about our pre final project that have all requirements. We have developed our solution model, explaination of our solution model and introduction that includes of the story about our case organization. We are tried to accomplish our project assignment but there are some lacks in our project, then final meeting have been fixed on 7 march 2008 to combined all the components of our project.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Arkib Sebulan

18 Januari 2008
Perbincangan telah dijalankan pada tarikh tersebut untuk membincangkan tentang kertas cadangan yang akan dihantar pada 22 januari 2008. Tajuk yang telah kami pilih ialah "Green Accounting System" dan isu-isu yang berkaitan telah dibincangkan. Di akhir perbincangan tersebut, kami telah memutuskan untuk berjumpa dengan Dr Azlan Amran, untuk mendapatkan pandangan dan sumber dari beliau berkaitan dengan tajuk kami. Perjumpaan tersebut telah ditetapkan pada 21 januari 2008

21 Januari 2008
tepat pukul 10 pagi,kami telah menemui Dr. Azlan Amran untuk membincangkan dengan lebih lanjut berkaitan tajuk dan tanggungjawab sosial syarikat disebabkan oleh beliau mempunyai pengkhususan di dalam tanggungjawab sosial syarikat.Pelbagai isu telah dibincangkan dan beliau telah bermurah hati untuk meminjamkan buku berkaitan dengan "Green Accounting System" sebagai rujukan dan panduan buat kami. Perbincangan berakhir pada pukul 10.50 pagi. Di sebelah malamnya pula, kami telah menyiapkan kertas cadangan yang akan dihantar pada keesokkan hari.

22 Januari 2008
kami telah agihkan kerja dengan mengagihkan komponen-komponen yang terdapat di dalam buku yang telah dipinjamkan oleh Dr. Azlan Amran untuk membuat "literature review".

30 Januari 2008
Setiap ahli kumpulan telah menghantar email kepada Creative and Presentation Manager iaitu Zairina Lubis Nordin untuk menggabungkan setiap hasil kerja kami berkaitan dengan "Trends Mapping" untuk dihantar keesokkan harinya.

2 Februari 2008 - 21 Februari 2008
- Cuti pertengahan semester
-Minggu Peperiksaan Pertengahan Semester

22 Februari 2008
Mengemaskini Weblog kami dengan memasukkan komponen-komponen yang perlu supaya setiap pengunjung Weblog kami dapat mendapatkan sedikit maklumat berkaitan dengan projek yang sedang kami jalankan.