Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our Progression

1 march 2008- we have discussed about our progressions of the project. We have collected the literature review that we assigned to each our members to do a summarization. About the new announcement from the coach, we have do some actions on it so that our project will have all the elements that required from her. From our observation, we had identified some problems that may have on the organization that we had selected. It is more about the green accounting system in terms of lack of human resources and financial resources. finally, our discussion finished with new task in order to accomplish our project paper that may due on 11 march 2008.

5 March 2008- Our discussion is more about our pre final project that have all requirements. We have developed our solution model, explaination of our solution model and introduction that includes of the story about our case organization. We are tried to accomplish our project assignment but there are some lacks in our project, then final meeting have been fixed on 7 march 2008 to combined all the components of our project.